Leago 294 days 42 weeks 01

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Leago (294 days / 42 weeks) 01    00:12:26

Leago | Attachment (secure/insecure), Crawling/standing/walking, Drive, Frustration, Pleasure, Separation

Leago is standing up in the kitchen, holding onto an iron gate and watching mom, who is outside hanging up some laundry. He vocalises loudly to her and she responds, “I told you I’m not finished yet”. Mom talks to Leago while finishing up outside. She sings him a song about children at school and the bell ringing, that he has heard her singing often with his cousin, Naledi.
Leago watches mom packing her things and moving towards the kitchen gate. He starts to push and pull the gate’s bars as she approaches, making sounds to him. When mom comes inside she takes Leago to the living room and goes down the passage to start preparing for his bath. Leago quickly crawls after mom. He follows her up and down the passage as she fetches the items for bathing. She also crawls on her tummy on the floor, playing with Leago.

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Sue Mom