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Sofia (238 days / 34 weeks) 01 00:13:30
Sofia | Attachment (secure/insecure), Curiosity, Siblings, Wondering
Sofia is in her stroller inside. Mom arrives home and greets Sofia, who smiles and looks at mom. Mom picks her up and carries her out to her paternal grandfather (Brian). Mom hands Sofia to grandpa and goes inside to get him something to drink. Grandpa comments “I hope she doesn’t cry”. Sofia’s brothers are also outside playing with new water-pistols. Sofia’s attention moves between watching grandpa, mouthing Raphael’s hairbrush and watching the boys’ activities around her. When mom returns Sofia is passed back to mom. Raphael comes over and picks Sofia up and carries her for a little bit and plays with her, while standing next to mom. Sofia seems unaffected when handed from one person to another. She smiles while playing with Raphael, making eye contact and then shifting her attention between the activities and, seemingly, her own world and thoughts.
People you will meet:
Beatriz Mom
Luca Youngest Brother
Paternal Grandfather
Raphael Oldest Brother