Sofia 298 days 42 weeks 01

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Sofia (298 days / 42 weeks) 01    00:12:08

Sofia | Attachment (secure/insecure), Awareness of Camera, Communication, Connect/disconnect, Crawling/standing/walking, Curiosity, Drive, Mimicking, Self-regulation, Silence, Wondering

Sofia is sitting on Shirley’s lap in Luca’s room. It is evening. She and Shirley are playing with a stuffed toy and Shirley is repeating Sofia’s sounds. After a short time Luca enters asking for juice. Shirley and Luca look at each other in silence, and with a range of expressions, before Shirley gets up to help him. “Tata Fia”, Shirley says, a few times, from the door. Sofia watches them leave before crawling on the carpet, finding tiny specs or objects on the floor and inspecting them closely. She occasionally looks up at the filmmaker, showing what she has picked up, and vocalises to her. The filmmaker repeats the sounds and Sofia continues crawling towards her toys.

Sofia picks up a stuffed sun, whose centre is a mirror. She looks at it closely, putting her lips to the mirror. She smiles and looks around to Shirley, who has returned to the room. Sofia continues exploring the mirror, smiling broadly at it and bobbing up and down. When she leaves that mirror to look at other toys she finds another mirror, which she examines, face-to-face, too. After some vocalising and interacting, Sofia starts to move back towards Shirley, before getting side-tracked by a fold in the carpet.

People you will meet:

Luca 1

Luca Youngest Brother

Shirley 1

Shirley House-Keeper

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