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Sofia (305 days 43 weeks) 02 00:02:46
Sofia | Attachment (secure/insecure), Awareness of Camera, Crawling/standing/walking, Drive, Fathers, Pleasure, Separation
Cont. from clip 01: Sofia is brought downstairs to the living-room. She is crawling around when dad arrives home and greets the filmmaker. Sofia does not respond to his voice. Soon after, dad greets Sofia who responds with a large smile and moves towards him. Dad picks Sofia up. Smiling, he asks the filmmaker is she has seen Sofia standing. The filmmaker replies that she has and that Sofia is "a bit fearless". Dad comments on the scratch on Sofia’s cheek. He is in a rush as the house is for sale and potential buyers are arriving soon. Dad is checking lights and hands Sofia over to Shirley so that he can change and prepare for the house viewing. Sofia goes to Shirley, looking back towards where dad is moving off to. She does not respond to him leaving.
People you will meet:
Geoff Dad
Nomsa Nanny
Raphael Oldest Brother
Shirley House-Keeper